October 2023 Could Witness a Historic Surge in Bit...

The prospect of a Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) approval by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has spurred significant interest and debate within both the cryptocurrency and financial markets. While no approval has been granted yet, the anticipation surrounding it has engendered considerable speculation concerning its potential impact on Bitcoin’s market valuations. An ETF,

sublime traders sky october2023 crypto
October 2023: The Month That Will Make or Break Yo...

The cryptocurrency market has always been a volatile space, but 2023 brings its own set of unique challenges and opportunities. From the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes to the SEC’s delay in approving Bitcoin ETFs, the crypto landscape is evolving at a rapid pace. In this article, we’ll explore the state of the crypto market,

Why you should care about the Sillicon Valley Bank...

As individuals that have been involved in banking, trading and cryptocurrency over the last 13 years, we wanted to take a deep dive and shed some light on a recent event that could have significant consequences for the startup and tech economy and potentially the cryptocurrency market. What is SVB ? Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)

dejitaru tsuka
Dejitaru Tsuka – the next 30x coin from the ...

Dejitaru Tsuka – Gem Call💎 I rarely do this because i find it is difficult to quantify and apply common analysis techniques. But for a while now i have been analysing what could turn to be one of the biggest gainers of this year. Some of you might have missed SHIB when it wasnt popular,

crypto recession
The recession in the Crypto Market

Bitcoin has slid below the psychological threshold of $20,000 and the other top currencies are under pressure, ladies and gengtlemen we are living a recession in the crypto market. In addition, Coinbase Global Inc. recently announced plans to cut 1,100 jobs. This news has fueled speculation that we’re experiencing a dot-com bubble-like decline. And some

optimism protocol
Optimistic about Optimism protocol(OP)

ETH optimised using the Optimism Protocol(OP) It is extremely important to understand the projects we invest in. For this reason in this article, we will discuss the #optimisation of Ethereum using the Optimism protocol. It uses optimistic rollups to enable applications to obtain transactions more quickly and cheaper than they would on the Ethereum blockchain.

luna crash
Should i buy LUNA ? Coin dropped over 90%

Should i buy LUNA? You might have got to this article because of the 90% drop of the coin which is at the time of this article sitting at $3.80. This article will explain how this coin works. It will also tell you more about Terra Station, and its wallet. Terra USD While a Luna

Saitama Inu analysis and where will it be in 6 mon...

Been on and off SAITAMA in the past but this project didn’t really attract my attention despite the incredible marketing efforts they made….however, being stuck with the same mentality kills your mind, and especially a traders mind. So with the help of one of our most notorious members (@Tabaza82) we dove deep into the metrics

How to Hack The Okex
How to hack OkEx Happy friday airdrop Dec 2020

Here’s the deal, OkEx is a serious exchange but has had some legal problems which scared some of the users away, no wonder, in a world of crypto that is just barely starting to get regulated. In order to regain the trust of the community, they are creating a lot of rewards for traders to get back

Paypal Bitcoin BTC
Paypal entering the crypto market offering bitcoin...

This Wendsday, 21 October 2020 , Paypal has officially announced that all Paypal customers will be able to use cryptocurrency like Bitcoin(BTC), ETH(Ethereum), BCH(Bitcoin Cash) and LTC(Litecoin) to shop at any merchant that has their services integrated. And all this is starting in Q1 2021. Ladies and gentlemen the cryptocurrency revolution can now BEGIN officially.