Crypto Lending
Crypto Lending Explained 2021

Crypto lending is based on a relatively simple concept that borrowers can use their crypto assets as collateral to obtain a fiat or stable currency loan. At the same time, lenders provide the assets needed to get a loan at an agreed interest rate. It can also work in reverse where borrowers use fiat or

cryptocurrency price
How does leverage Crypto trading work?

At first, we want to note that using leverage is a prime example of advanced trading, which requires particular skills and knowledge, while trading on the spot is rather investing, which provide lower risks and suit newbies. For better understanding, let’s get familiar with the leverage definition. What is leverage? Leverage is an investment technique

Intraday Trading
Crypto Intraday Trading in 2021

Today we will look at one of the most popular ways to make money on crypto. The article will help you use trading strategies, understand digital assets and use the available tools correctly. You will also learn what intraday crypto trading is and how to start making money with it. What is intraday trading? Trading

exchange cryptocurrency
Binance choiceworthy or not?

According to the hype around cryptocurrency, everyone is motivated to make money, investing in different assets. Even although all the questionable points and cons of crypto, people are still investing. As crypto trading seems to be a stressful activity, everyone needs to be confident about the safety of their assets on the responsibility of the

Bitcoin news
Crypto trading from mobile phone

Although modern multifunctional smartphones don’t constitute any new for us now, earlier no one couldn’t realize how it is to keep a camera, a TV, audio player, and phone in one pocket. Now the number of possibilities of modern smartphones is unlimited and always updated, which lets users do anything, even lying on the bed

Trading account
Crypto simulators: helpful and fun

According to the popularity of the cryptocurrency market today, almost everyone wants to become rich, but not everyone is ready to risk their hard-earned money. Although Bitcoin investments are safe,  many people without particular knowledge and skills are ruled by fear.  Today any internet user has an incredible opportunity to try themselves in a trading

currency trading signals
Crypto trading with the current trend

Because of the unstable cryptocurrency market, which usually seems complicated to get familiar with, there were formed many crypto trading strategies, which can meet everyone’s needs. You shouldn’t limit yourself to only one strategy; diversify your trading performance with different strategies and coins to achieve the best result.  There are various crypto trading strategies, including

Best cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrencies as a payment method

Do you know the interesting fact that many writers predicted the future, as Jules Verne predicted the electric submarine in his “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”? Sounds fantastic, isn’t it? But no author didn’t expect the appearance of modern money – cryptocurrencies.  According to the popularity of crypto investing, which seems to be the

Passive ways to make money
Passive ways to make money on cryptocurrency

At the moment, the cryptocurrency market has a wide range of passive income methods. If you are the owner of Bitcoins or other coins, you probably wondered about the available passive options for increasing capital. Profitability. The modern banking system cannot boast of high-interest rates on deposits. Moreover, the interest rate is sometimes negative; you

choose an exchange
How to choose an exchange for cryptocurrency tradi...

The cryptocurrency attracts traders with the volatility of the exchange rate. It can fluctuate by tens or even hundreds of percent a day. This volatility in price has made digital assets a favorite tool for speculators. Users trade cryptocurrencies to make quick profits. The most convenient place for this is the exchange. Each of them