crypto investments

Is crypto trading profitable? Of course, but under the condition of cyber hygiene. What does it mean? Crypto trading caused quite a stir between investors, and scammers also want to make easy money. You should always be prepared, aware, and updated to counteract such unlawful acts by following particular instructions, about which we will talk today. 

As the crypto trading activity requires an extraordinary level of responsibility, forget about the password you used to log in social media apps. Stay with us and discover how to generate a strong password for your crypto trading app account, keep your devices in order and away from the wrong hands.

When becoming a crypto trader, you should be skeptical: every stranger from the trading signals group who tries to offer you something can be a potential scammer. 

Let’s get down to the must-have everyday tips and tricks for every cryptocurrency trader.

Security tips for crypto trading

  • Generate a strong password

It is always welcome to use strong passwords whether you want to protect – your photos, info, or digital money. A strong password should include lowercase, uppercase characters, and numbers. Also, you can generate a password at a special app or even online

An example of a weak password: 19061989JOHNBTC

An example of a strong password: c’-YL<8s]a2B#!ed

  • Two-factor authentication 

Two-factor authentication (2FA) means two layers of protection, which will improve your wallet’s security. The e-wallet will ask for a  two-factor verification code whenever someone is trying to access it. 

Security tips
  • Use only authoritative services

Don’t trust random exchange platforms, e-wallets, and trading signals services. Talking about keeping money for a long time, choose a company that keeps them in cold storage, which will place your funds away from scammers.

Usually, telegram channels with free access to trading signals are crawling with scammers. Don’t forget about a proverb about free cheese in a mousetrap.

  • Keep your funds in few wallets

Use one wallet for your daily transactions and keep the rest in another, better cold wallet. As people are saying, never keep all eggs in one basket. What does it mean? In case of something happening to one wallet, your coins contained in other wallets will be safe. 

  • Prefer offline cold wallets

Even though the cold wallets’ value can overreach the average newbie’s deposit, they are worth it. Cold storage is the system that will store all your cryptocurrencies away from scammers. Hence, it cuts off the internet connection that hackers can potentially use. 

But unfortunately, they can also be hacked. Ledger Nano or Trezor are two popular hardware wallets for safely storing crypto offline.

How to prevent your cold wallet from being hacked?

Be careful and skeptical with the links and unknown apps sent by strangers. There can be a  wolf in sheep’s clothing. A unique app, which can steal files from your cold storage, so-called file-stealer, can be contained in the archive, sent by a stranger.

crypto safety

Be careful with your devices

How to deal with your devices since investing in digital money? You should realize that your phone is a door to your wallet, where your phone number is a key. You should treasure and guard it to keep it away from the wrong hands. 

  1. Don’t autosave passwords, as hackers can trick these managers into relinquishing this data using a compromised web page with an online form.
  2. Don’t log in to your exchange platform account from your friend’s or work computer.
  3. Avoid public Wi-Fi hotspots to protect your data from being stolen.
  4. Choose a reputable internet provider, which will keep your data private. 
  5. Ignore unknown links and apps sent by strangers to prevent cyberattacks.

Prevent your funds from being wasted with proven trading signals

You should understand that crypto trading isn’t a way of making easy money. Don’t hurry to become rich, don’t hurry to pay for random trading signals. Selecting a reputable service with proven trading signals may require some time. Don’t be shy to ask for the proofs, and trust only statistics and numbers. Our service provides an opportunity to get familiar with the results of both: wins and losses based on our trading signals. Only this way helps customers know what they are getting. 

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